203 Woodside Road, Tenterfield , Livestock for Sale - FN First National Real Estate Alford & Duff

203 Woodside Road
tenterfield NSW 2372

Grazing Block..

Located 20km west of Tenterfield with bitumen road access to the turn is this hidden gem with excellent panoramic views towards the Donnybrook Mountain Ranges.

This 167.87 ha - approx 415 acres - block is well fenced into 4 paddocks, has 5 dams and Whalan’s Creek which is seasonal. There are some lovely building sites, some in great elevated spots, fairly private, mostly cleared with rocky outcrops, this grazing block runs 70 breeders, has great water storage and includes steel and timber stockyards. The property is currently agisted with cattle in mostly very good condition.

Call Steve to arrange an inspection.


Property Type - Livestock

Land Area - 167.87 hectare

Open Times

Contact Agent to arrange inspection


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